At Project Zero, we believe in developing human potentials in all learners no matter their circumstances. With your help, we created a fund to support wider access to professional development programs for educators in low-income and under-resourced settings. We hope you will consider a tax-deductible gift to this fund. All gifts generate scholarships for educators to enroll in PZ online courses, workshops, and conferences.  
To give, please click here or use the red "Click Here to Give" button above.  We thank you for any level of support that can make a difference in the lives of these educators and the learners they serve.  Some examples of how your gift will have impact are:
  •  $5000 – supports two educators to attend the 5-day Project Zero Classroom Summer Institute at Harvard.
  •  $1000 – supports three educators to attend a 2-day PZ offsite conference.
  •  $500 – supports two teachers to enroll in a 13-week PZ online course.
  •  $250 – supports an educator to enroll in a PZ online course.
  •  $100 – supports two educators to attend a half-day PZ workshop .
  •  $50 – supports an educator to attend a PZ workshop. 
If you would like to explore other ways to contribute to this important effort, please contact me.  I thank you for your generosity in helping us create these opportunities for the educators and their communities who need it the most. 
With Gratitude,
Daniel Signature
Daniel Wilson
Director, Project Zero