Veronica Boix-Mansilla is a Principal Investigator at Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education, where she leads the IdGlobal and Re-Imagining Migration projects. Originally from Argentina, Veronica brings an intercultural sensitivity as well as a background in cognitive science, human development, and education, to her examination of how to prepare our youth for a world of increasing complexity and interdependence.  Her research focuses on three main areas. She studies (a) global competence as it develops among learners and teachers in various world regions with a particular emphasis on intercultural education, equity and migration; (b) quality interdisciplinary research and education among experts, teachers and youth; and (c ) quality teaching and learning in disciplines (history, biology, the arts) as lenses through which to understand the world. 
Veronica’s work has produced frameworks and practical tools to support educators interested in quality teaching, learning, curriculum, research, assessment, professional development, and program evaluation. For example, she has advanced the Re-Imagining Migration framework to understand migration as a shared human experience and reduce hatred and xenophobia. She established Re-imagining Migration at Smithsonian- an interactive museum digital collections space for educators world-wide.  She has co-led the development of the OECD Global Competence framework, PISA assessment and pedagogical framework. Her work on Global Competence education set the foundation for the US Department of Education’s International Education strategy in 2010. Her writings on interdisciplinary work and evaluation—have informed National Academies of Science, National Science Foundation, International Baccalaureate, and the Argentinian Ministry of Education interdisciplinary initiatives.  
Veronica serves as an advisor and contributor at a variety of institutions including UNESCO, OECD, Asia Society, Smithsonian Institute, AFS American Field Services, the Longview Foundation, the Association of American Colleges and Universities, Council of Chief State School Officers, the Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center, the International Baccalaureate, WorldSavy and Global Kids, among others. She teaches at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and has taught the University of Buenos Aires. She is the author of multiple papers and books including “Educating for Global Competence: Preparing our youth to engage the world” (2011) with Tony Jackson. Second Edition forthcoming.